In most areas of our lives, artificial intelligence is promising to bring revolutionary change – from medicine to transport, from education to food production. Even creative industries – filmmaking, music, and the visual arts – will not be spared. We are all aware that we are part of a huge experiment: indeed, we contribute, willy-nilly, to this new world by authorizing big tech companies to use our data and allowing their algorithms to influence what we see and what we read online. The transformations created by AI technologies are reaching deep into the very make-up of our societies. How will competition for AI supremacy impact power relations between countries, particularly the United States and China? What effects will it have on geopolitics, on individual freedoms, and on democratic values? To help answer these questions, Vis A Vis is honored to welcome Asma Mhalla, whose new book, Technopolitics: How Technology Turns Us into Soldiers (Technopolitique: Comment la technologie fait de nous des soldats), was published in France in February 2024.

Asma Mhalla is a member of the Political Anthropology Research Center (Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Politique) at the French National Council for Scientific Research (EHESS/CNRS) and teaches at the Paris Global Center of Columbia University, Sciences Po and École Polytechnique. Her work focuses on new forms of power between States and technological giants, their impact on democratic issues and social networks governance, geopolitical and ideological dimensions of AI and technological sovereignty. Asma Mhalla holds a PhD from EHESS in Paris. She also advises governments and institutions on their tech policies.
Host: Dr. Emmanuel Kattan
Editor and Producer: Monica Beatrice Hunter-Hart
Producer: Georgia O’Neil